6. Change log

6.1. Version 0.2.0

Released: 2023-08-06

Bug fixes:

  • Improved the cleanup when exiting the forwarder to tolerate errors in closing down with the HMC. The errors are logged and displayed, but the cleanup continues.

  • Improved error handling when encountering HMC errors, by producing a proper error message instead of a Python traceback.

  • Improved cleanup by not attempting to unsubscribe from LPARs that were ignored. (issue #25)


  • Added documentation (issue #9)

  • Optimized the subscription for OS message notifications, by not subscribing for OS message notifications for LPARs when opening the OS message channel returns that the OS does not support it.

6.2. Version 0.1.0

Released: 2023-07-14

Initial PyPI release